比特币源码 挖矿
(1) 矿工从交易池中选择一批交易构造出候选区块;
(2) 生成工作量证明(hash运算,拼算力);
(3) 算出工作量证明后立即将区块加入到本地区块链,并将区块广播到到网络中;
(4) 网络中其他的矿工节点收到区块,验证无误后也将区块加入自己的区块链,共识完成;
(5) 开始下一个挖矿周期。
比特币源码 挖矿
2.1 区块链相关的数据结构和变量
2.1.1 CBlockIndex
class CBlockIndex { public: //! pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex //指向区块hash值的指针 const uint256* phashBlock; //! pointer to the index of the predecessor of this block //指向上一个区块的指针,因为区块链可能存在分叉的情况,所以一个区块可能有多个指针指向它 CBlockIndex* pprev; //! pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block // 指向 此区块更远的祖先的指针 CBlockIndex* pskip; //! height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0 //该区块的高度,从创世区块开始算起 int nHeight; //! Which # file this block is stored in (blk?????.dat) //存储本区块的数据的文件,比如第100个区块,其区块文件存储在blk100.data中 int nFile; //! Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored //区块的数据取在blk????.data中的偏移量 unsigned int nDataPos; //! Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored unsigned int nUndoPos; //! (memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this block //从创始区块到本区块的累积工作量 arith_uint256 nChainWork; //! Number of transactions in this block. //! Note: in a potential headers-first mode, this number cannot be relied upon //区块中包含的交易数 unsigned int nTx; //! (memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block. //! This value will be non-zero only if and only if transactions for this block and all its parents are available. //! Change to 64-bit type when necessary; won't happen before 2030 //从创始区块到本区块的所有交易的数量,只有收到区块以及它所有的父区块的交易数据时这个值才会非0 unsigned int nChainTx; //! Verification status of this block. See enum BlockStatus //区块的状态 uint32_t nStatus; //! block header //区块头 int32_t nVersion; //版本 uint256 hashMerkleRoot; //merkel树的树根 uint32_t nTime; //时间戳 //这两个变量用于计算PoW uint32_t nBits; //难度位 uint32_t nNonce; //! (memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received. int32_t nSequenceId; //! (memory only) Maximum nTime in the chain up to and including this block. unsigned int nTimeMax;
enum BlockStatus: uint32_t { //! Unused. BLOCK_VALID_UNKNOWN = 0, //! Parsed, version ok, hash satisfies claimed PoW, 1 <= vtx count <= max, timestamp not in future BLOCK_VALID_HEADER = 1, //! All parent headers found, difficulty matches, timestamp >= median previous, checkpoint. Implies all parents //! are also at least TREE. BLOCK_VALID_TREE = 2, /** * Only first tx is coinbase, 2 <= coinbase input script length <= 100, transactions valid, no duplicate txids, * sigops, size, merkle root. Implies all parents are at least TREE but not necessarily TRANSACTIONS. When all * parent blocks also have TRANSACTIONS, CBlockIndex::nChainTx will be set. */ BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS = 3, //! Outputs do not overspend inputs, no double spends, coinbase output ok, no immature coinbase spends, BIP30. //! Implies all parents are also at least CHAIN. BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN = 4, //! Scripts & signatures ok. Implies all parents are also at least SCRIPTS. BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS = 5, //! All validity bits. BLOCK_VALID_MASK = BLOCK_VALID_HEADER | BLOCK_VALID_TREE | BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS | BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN | BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS, BLOCK_HAVE_DATA = 8, //!< full block available in blk*.dat BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO = 16, //!< undo data available in rev*.dat BLOCK_HAVE_MASK = BLOCK_HAVE_DATA | BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO, BLOCK_FAILED_VALID = 32, //!< stage after last reached validness failed BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD = 64, //!< descends from failed block BLOCK_FAILED_MASK = BLOCK_FAILED_VALID | BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD, BLOCK_OPT_WITNESS = 128, //!< block data in blk*.data was received with a witness-enforcing client };
2.1.2 最长链chainActive
/** An in-memory indexed chain of blocks. */ class CChain { private: std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vChain; public: /** Returns the index entry for the genesis block of this chain, or nullptr if none. */ CBlockIndex *Genesis() const { return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[0] : nullptr; } /** Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or nullptr if none. */ CBlockIndex *Tip() const { return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[vChain.size() - 1] : nullptr; } /** Returns the index entry at a particular height in this chain, or nullptr if no such height exists. */ CBlockIndex *operator[](int nHeight) const { if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= (int)vChain.size()) return nullptr; return vChain[nHeight]; } /** Compare two chains efficiently. */ friend bool operator==(const CChain &a, const CChain &b) { return a.vChain.size() == b.vChain.size() && a.vChain[a.vChain.size() - 1] == b.vChain[b.vChain.size() - 1]; } /** Efficiently check whether a block is present in this chain. */ bool Contains(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const { return (*this)[pindex->nHeight] == pindex; } /** Find the successor of a block in this chain, or nullptr if the given index is not found or is the tip. */ CBlockIndex *Next(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const { if (Contains(pindex)) return (*this)[pindex->nHeight + 1]; else return nullptr; } /** Return the maximal height in the chain. Is equal to chain.Tip() ? chain.Tip()->nHeight : -1. */ int Height() const { return vChain.size() - 1; } /** Set/initialize a chain with a given tip. */ void SetTip(CBlockIndex *pindex); /** Return a CBlockLocator that refers to a block in this chain (by default the tip). */ CBlockLocator GetLocator(const CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr) const; /** Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry. */ const CBlockIndex *FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const; /** Find the earliest block with timestamp equal or greater than the given. */ CBlockIndex* FindEarliestAtLeast(int64_t nTime) const; }; #endif // BITCOIN_CHAIN_H
2.1.3 CBlock
class CBlock : public CBlockHeader { public: // network and disk std::vector<CTransactionRef> vtx; // memory only mutable bool fChecked; CBlock() { SetNull(); } CBlock(const CBlockHeader &header) { SetNull(); *(static_cast<CBlockHeader*>(this)) = header; } ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS; template <typename Stream, typename Operation> inline void SerializationOp(Stream& s, Operation ser_action) { READWRITEAS(CBlockHeader, *this); READWRITE(vtx); } void SetNull() { CBlockHeader::SetNull(); vtx.clear(); fChecked = false; } CBlockHeader GetBlockHeader() const { CBlockHeader block; block.nVersion = nVersion; block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock; block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot; block.nTime = nTime; block.nBits = nBits; block.nNonce = nNonce; return block; } std::string ToString() const; };
2.1.4 mapBlockIndex
2.1.5 mapBlocksUnlinked
(1) 假设当前区块链的顶点(最后一个区块)为A;
(2) 一段时间之后收到了区块B和C的区块头;
(3) 又过了一段时间后收到了区块C的完整数据,这时候mapBlocksUnlinked中就会新加一项:B->C;
(4) 一段时间后B的完整数据也收到了,此时将B->C从表中删除,然后区块B就可以连接到区块链上成为新顶点了;
(1) 设A为区块链的顶点;
(2) 收到了区块B,C,D的区块头;
(3) 紧接着收到了区块D的完整数据;
(4) 此时表中添加B->C,B->D,C->D的表项;
(5) 收到了区块B的完整数据,此时将B->C,B->D删除,将B连接到区块链上成为新的顶点,表中只剩C->D的表项。
2.1.6 setBlockIndexCandidates
A -- B
C ---- D
2.1.7 pindexBestHeader
2.2 构造候选区块
可以通过bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress命令挖取新区块,我们看看这个命令是如何实现的。
static UniValue generatetoaddress(const JSONRPCRequest& request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3) throw std::runtime_error( "generatetoaddress nblocks address (maxtries)\n" "\nMine blocks immediately to a specified address (before the RPC call returns)\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. nblocks (numeric, required) How many blocks are generated immediately.\n" "2. address (string, required) The address to send the newly generated bitcoin to.\n" "3. maxtries (numeric, optional) How many iterations to try (default = 1000000).\n" "\nResult:\n" "[ blockhashes ] (array) hashes of blocks generated\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nGenerate 11 blocks to myaddress\n" + HelpExampleCli("generatetoaddress", "11 \"myaddress\"") ); int nGenerate = request.params[0].get_int(); uint64_t nMaxTries = 1000000; if (!request.params[2].isNull()) { nMaxTries = request.params[2].get_int(); } CTxDestination destination = DecodeDestination(request.params[1].get_str()); if (!IsValidDestination(destination)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Error: Invalid address"); } std::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript = std::make_shared<CReserveScript>(); coinbaseScript->reserveScript = GetScriptForDestination(destination); return generateBlocks(coinbaseScript, nGenerate, nMaxTries, false); //这里开始生成新区块 }
UniValue generateBlocks(std::shared_ptr<CReserveScript> coinbaseScript, int nGenerate, uint64_t nMaxTries, bool keepScript) { static const int nInnerLoopCount = 0x10000; int nHeightEnd = 0; int nHeight = 0; { // Don't keep cs_main locked LOCK(cs_main); //当前区块链的高度 nHeight = chainActive.Height(); //挖矿后的目标高度,例如当前高度100,总共挖3个区块,则目标高度就是103 nHeightEnd = nHeight+nGenerate; } unsigned int nExtraNonce = 0; UniValue blockHashes(UniValue::VARR); //开始挖矿 while (nHeight < nHeightEnd && !ShutdownRequested()) { //构造候选区块 std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(BlockAssembler(Params()).CreateNewBlock(coinbaseScript->reserveScript)); if (!pblocktemplate.get()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Couldn't create new block"); CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; { LOCK(cs_main); IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce); } //计算PoW工作量证明,拼算力的地方就在这里 while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) { ++pblock->nNonce; --nMaxTries; } if (nMaxTries == 0) { break; } //超过单轮循环的上限(65536次),构造候选区块重新开始 if (pblock->nNonce == nInnerLoopCount) { continue; } //处理新区块 std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> shared_pblock = std::make_shared<const CBlock>(*pblock); if (!ProcessNewBlock(Params(), shared_pblock, true, nullptr)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted"); ++nHeight; blockHashes.push_back(pblock->GetHash().GetHex()); //mark script as important because it was used at least for one coinbase output if the script came from the wallet if (keepScript) { coinbaseScript->KeepScript(); } } return blockHashes; }
std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> BlockAssembler::CreateNewBlock(const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn, bool fMineWitnessTx) { int64_t nTimeStart = GetTimeMicros(); resetBlock(); pblocktemplate.reset(new CBlockTemplate()); if(!pblocktemplate.get()) return nullptr; pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience // Add dummy coinbase tx as first transaction //添加一笔伪交易作为coinbase交易,一个区块中的第一笔交易必须是coinbase交易,第一个位置留给coinbase交易 pblock->vtx.emplace_back(); pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(-1); // updated at end pblocktemplate->vTxSigOpsCost.push_back(-1); // updated at end LOCK2(cs_main, mempool.cs); //拿到当前区块链的顶点,作为新区块的父区块 CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip(); assert(pindexPrev != nullptr); //新区块的高度是当前区块链顶点高度+1 nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; //计算区块版本 pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()); // -regtest only: allow overriding block.nVersion with // -blockversion=N to test forking scenarios if (chainparams.MineBlocksOnDemand()) pblock->nVersion = gArgs.GetArg("-blockversion", pblock->nVersion); //计算区块的时间戳,时间戳是节点当前时间减去一个偏移值得到 pblock->nTime = GetAdjustedTime(); const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast(); nLockTimeCutoff = (STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST) ? nMedianTimePast : pblock->GetBlockTime(); // Decide whether to include witness transactions // This is only needed in case the witness softfork activation is reverted // (which would require a very deep reorganization) or when // -promiscuousmempoolflags is used. // TODO: replace this with a call to main to assess validity of a mempool // transaction (which in most cases can be a no-op). fIncludeWitness = IsWitnessEnabled(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()) && fMineWitnessTx; int nPackagesSelected = 0; int nDescendantsUpdated = 0; //从交易池中选择一批交易打包到区块中(注意:并不会从交易持中将交易删除,删除需要等区块确认以后) addPackageTxs(nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated); int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros(); nLastBlockTx = nBlockTx; nLastBlockWeight = nBlockWeight; // Create coinbase transaction. //创建coinbase交易 CMutableTransaction coinbaseTx; coinbaseTx.vin.resize(1); coinbaseTx.vin[0].prevout.SetNull(); coinbaseTx.vout.resize(1); coinbaseTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKeyIn; //coinbase交易的输出实际上就是给矿工的奖励:所有交易费用之和+系统发放的比特币奖励 coinbaseTx.vout[0].nValue = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus()); coinbaseTx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << nHeight << OP_0; pblock->vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(coinbaseTx)); pblocktemplate->vchCoinbaseCommitment = GenerateCoinbaseCommitment(*pblock, pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()); pblocktemplate->vTxFees[0] = -nFees; LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock(): block weight: %u txs: %u fees: %ld sigops %d\n", GetBlockWeight(*pblock), nBlockTx, nFees, nBlockSigOpsCost); // Fill in header //填充父区块的区块hash pblock->hashPrevBlock = pindexPrev->GetBlockHash(); UpdateTime(pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev); //设置新区块的工作量难度目标值 pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus()); //nonce,计算工作量证明的时候就是把这个值不断递增来算hash pblock->nNonce = 0; pblocktemplate->vTxSigOpsCost[0] = WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR * GetLegacySigOpCount(*pblock->vtx[0]); CValidationState state; if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: TestBlockValidity failed: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state))); } int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, "CreateNewBlock() packages: %.2fms (%d packages, %d updated descendants), validity: %.2fms (total %.2fms)\n", 0.001 * (nTime1 - nTimeStart), nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated, 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTimeStart)); return std::move(pblocktemplate); }
2.2.1 矿工奖励费的计算
coinbaseTx.vout[0].nValue = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus());
奖励费=区块中所有交易的交易费 + 系统奖励的比特币
CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams) { int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval; // Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined. if (halvings >= 64) return 0; CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; // Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years. nSubsidy >>= halvings; return nSubsidy; }
首先用当前区块的高度除以nSubsidvHalvingInterval,这个值为210000(在chainparams.cpp中定义),如果相除的结果大于或等于64,则奖励费为0。换句话说,当区块的高度超过64 * 210000的时候,系统将不会在有奖励费。按比特币平均每10分钟生成一个区块算,生成第64 * 210000个区块需要大约255年的时间,比特币诞生于2009年,意味着大约到2214年左右,挖矿只能得到交易费,不再有系统的比特币奖励产生(比特币用完了)。
如果区块的高度小于64 * 210000,则初始时(从比特币诞生开始算起)系统奖励是50个比特币,然后每隔21000个区块奖励费减半,按比特币平均10分钟一个区块算,210000个区块需要3.99年(约4年的时间),也就是代码注释中所说的平均每隔4年奖励费减半。
2.2.2 工作量难度的设定
pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus());
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params& params) { assert(pindexLast != nullptr); //极限难度值 unsigned int nProofOfWorkLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit).GetCompact(); // Only change once per difficulty adjustment interval //距离上一次难度调整是否过了2016个区块,如果没有就沿用用当前区块链顶点区块的难度值 if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0) { if (params.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks) { // Special difficulty rule for testnet: // If the new block's timestamp is more than 2* 10 minutes // then allow mining of a min-difficulty block. if (pblock->GetBlockTime() > pindexLast->GetBlockTime() + params.nPowTargetSpacing*2) return nProofOfWorkLimit; else { // Return the last non-special-min-difficulty-rules-block const CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexLast; while (pindex->pprev && pindex->nHeight % params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() != 0 && pindex->nBits == nProofOfWorkLimit) pindex = pindex->pprev; return pindex->nBits; } } return pindexLast->nBits; } // Go back by what we want to be 14 days worth of blocks //超过了2016个区块,需要重新调整一次难度 int nHeightFirst = pindexLast->nHeight - (params.DifficultyAdjustmentInterval()-1); assert(nHeightFirst >= 0); const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast->GetAncestor(nHeightFirst); assert(pindexFirst); return CalculateNextWorkRequired(pindexLast, pindexFirst->GetBlockTime(), params); } 目标难度值的自动调整
int64_t DifficultyAdjustmentInterval() const { return nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing; }
consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
unsigned int CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64_t nFirstBlockTime, const Consensus::Params& params) { if (params.fPowNoRetargeting) return pindexLast->nBits; // Limit adjustment step //计算最近的2016个区块实际花费了多长时间 int64_t nActualTimespan = pindexLast->GetBlockTime() - nFirstBlockTime; //将实际时间限制在3.5天-8周内,低于3.5天的按3.5天算,高于8周的按8周算 if (nActualTimespan < params.nPowTargetTimespan/4) nActualTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan/4; if (nActualTimespan > params.nPowTargetTimespan*4) nActualTimespan = params.nPowTargetTimespan*4; // Retarget //重新设定难度目标值 const arith_uint256 bnPowLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit); arith_uint256 bnNew; bnNew.SetCompact(pindexLast->nBits); //旧的难度目标值 bnNew *= nActualTimespan; bnNew /= params.nPowTargetTimespan; if (bnNew > bnPowLimit) bnNew = bnPowLimit; return bnNew.GetCompact(); }
通过这种定期自动调整难度的方式,比特币系统保证了平均每10分钟生成一个区块。 难度值的表示
arith_uint256& arith_uint256::SetCompact(uint32_t nCompact, bool* pfNegative, bool* pfOverflow) { //nBit右移3个字节,得到幂p int nSize = nCompact >> 24; //计算系数 uint32_t nWord = nCompact & 0x007fffff; //幂p<=3的需要调整一下,否则幂就是8 * (p-3) if (nSize <= 3) { nWord >>= 8 * (3 - nSize); *this = nWord; } else { *this = nWord; *this <<= 8 * (nSize - 3); } if (pfNegative) *pfNegative = nWord != 0 && (nCompact & 0x00800000) != 0; if (pfOverflow) *pfOverflow = nWord != 0 && ((nSize > 34) || (nWord > 0xff && nSize > 33) || (nWord > 0xffff && nSize > 32)); return *this; }
2.3 计算工作量
while (nHeight < nHeightEnd && !ShutdownRequested()) { //构造候选区块 std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> pblocktemplate(BlockAssembler(Params()).CreateNewBlock(coinbaseScript->reserveScript)); if (!pblocktemplate.get()) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Couldn't create new block"); CBlock *pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; { LOCK(cs_main); IncrementExtraNonce(pblock, chainActive.Tip(), nExtraNonce); } //计算PoW工作量证明,拼算力的地方就在这里 while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) { ++pblock->nNonce; --nMaxTries; } if (nMaxTries == 0) { break; } //超过单轮循环的上限(65536次),构造候选区块重新开始 if (pblock->nNonce == nInnerLoopCount) { continue; }
bool CheckProofOfWork(uint256 hash, unsigned int nBits, const Consensus::Params& params) { bool fNegative; bool fOverflow; arith_uint256 bnTarget; bnTarget.SetCompact(nBits, &fNegative, &fOverflow); //将nBits按公式生成最终的难度值 // Check range if (fNegative || bnTarget == 0 || fOverflow || bnTarget > UintToArith256(params.powLimit)) return false; // Check proof of work matches claimed amount if (UintToArith256(hash) > bnTarget) return false; return true; }
2.4 处理新区快
while (nMaxTries > 0 && pblock->nNonce < nInnerLoopCount && !CheckProofOfWork(pblock->GetHash(), pblock->nBits, Params().GetConsensus())) { ++pblock->nNonce; --nMaxTries; } if (nMaxTries == 0) { break; } //超过单轮循环的上限(65536次),构造候选区块重新开始 if (pblock->nNonce == nInnerLoopCount) { continue; } //处理新区块 std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> shared_pblock = std::make_shared<const CBlock>(*pblock); if (!ProcessNewBlock(Params(), shared_pblock, true, nullptr)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "ProcessNewBlock, block not accepted"); ++nHeight; blockHashes.push_back(pblock->GetHash().GetHex());
bool ProcessNewBlock(const CChainParams& chainparams, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock, bool fForceProcessing, bool *fNewBlock) { AssertLockNotHeld(cs_main); { CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (fNewBlock) *fNewBlock = false; CValidationState state; // Ensure that CheckBlock() passes before calling AcceptBlock, as // belt-and-suspenders. //先对区块进行检查 bool ret = CheckBlock(*pblock, state, chainparams.GetConsensus()); LOCK(cs_main); if (ret) { // Store to disk //一系列的操作,确认区块是否合法,将区块存入磁盘 ret = g_chainstate.AcceptBlock(pblock, state, chainparams, &pindex, fForceProcessing, nullptr, fNewBlock); } if (!ret) { GetMainSignals().BlockChecked(*pblock, state); return error("%s: AcceptBlock FAILED (%s)", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } } //通知UI层 NotifyHeaderTip(); CValidationState state; // Only used to report errors, not invalidity - ignore it //将新区块加入到本地区块链,延长本地最长(具有最大工作量)链 if (!g_chainstate.ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, pblock)) return error("%s: ActivateBestChain failed (%s)", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); return true; }
2.4.1 检查区块
bool CheckBlock(const CBlock& block, CValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW, bool fCheckMerkleRoot) { // These are checks that are independent of context. if (block.fChecked) return true; // Check that the header is valid (particularly PoW). This is mostly // redundant with the call in AcceptBlockHeader. //检查区块的工作量是否OK if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state, consensusParams, fCheckPOW)) return false; // Check the merkle root. //检查区块的merkel树的hash值是否一致(确保交易没有被篡改过) if (fCheckMerkleRoot) { bool mutated; uint256 hashMerkleRoot2 = BlockMerkleRoot(block, &mutated); if (block.hashMerkleRoot != hashMerkleRoot2) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txnmrklroot", true, "hashMerkleRoot mismatch"); // Check for merkle tree malleability (CVE-2012-2459): repeating sequences // of transactions in a block without affecting the merkle root of a block, // while still invalidating it. if (mutated) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-duplicate", true, "duplicate transaction"); } // All potential-corruption validation must be done before we do any // transaction validation, as otherwise we may mark the header as invalid // because we receive the wrong transactions for it. // Note that witness malleability is checked in ContextualCheckBlock, so no // checks that use witness data may be performed here. // Size limits //区块中交易的数量是否满足条件 if (block.vtx.empty() || block.vtx.size() * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR > MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT || ::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION | SERIALIZE_TRANSACTION_NO_WITNESS) * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR > MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-length", false, "size limits failed"); // First transaction must be coinbase, the rest must not be //第一笔交易必须是coinbase交易,并且只能有一笔coinbase交易 if (block.vtx.empty() || !block.vtx[0]->IsCoinBase()) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-missing", false, "first tx is not coinbase"); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < block.vtx.size(); i++) if (block.vtx[i]->IsCoinBase()) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-cb-multiple", false, "more than one coinbase"); // Check transactions //检查每一笔交易 for (const auto& tx : block.vtx) if (!CheckTransaction(*tx, state, false)) return state.Invalid(false, state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason(), strprintf("Transaction check failed (tx hash %s) %s", tx->GetHash().ToString(), state.GetDebugMessage())); unsigned int nSigOps = 0; for (const auto& tx : block.vtx) { nSigOps += GetLegacySigOpCount(*tx); } if (nSigOps * WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR > MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_COST) return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-blk-sigops", false, "out-of-bounds SigOpCount"); if (fCheckPOW && fCheckMerkleRoot) block.fChecked = true; return true; }
2.4.2 区块存盘
bool CChainState::AcceptBlock(const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex, bool fRequested, const CDiskBlockPos* dbp, bool* fNewBlock) { const CBlock& block = *pblock; if (fNewBlock) *fNewBlock = false; AssertLockHeld(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pindexDummy = nullptr; CBlockIndex *&pindex = ppindex ? *ppindex : pindexDummy; //校验区块头,找到区块的区块索引(CBlockIndex),没有就创建一个并加入到mapBlocksIndex映射表中 if (!AcceptBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams, &pindex)) return false; // Try to process all requested blocks that we don't have, but only // process an unrequested block if it's new and has enough work to // advance our tip, and isn't too many blocks ahead. //区块的数据是否已经在磁盘上 bool fAlreadyHave = pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA; //新区快是否有更多的工作量 bool fHasMoreOrSameWork = (chainActive.Tip() ? pindex->nChainWork >= chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork : true); // Blocks that are too out-of-order needlessly limit the effectiveness of // pruning, because pruning will not delete block files that contain any // blocks which are too close in height to the tip. Apply this test // regardless of whether pruning is enabled; it should generally be safe to // not process unrequested blocks. //是否是一个相隔当前区块链顶点区块太远的区块 bool fTooFarAhead = (pindex->nHeight > int(chainActive.Height() + MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP)); // TODO: Decouple this function from the block download logic by removing fRequested // This requires some new chain data structure to efficiently look up if a // block is in a chain leading to a candidate for best tip, despite not // being such a candidate itself. // TODO: deal better with return value and error conditions for duplicate // and unrequested blocks. //如果区块数据已经在磁盘上了,忽略随后的操作直接返回 if (fAlreadyHave) return true; //如果不是从网络收到的新区块(新构造的区块) if (!fRequested) { // If we didn't ask for it: //区块之前已经处理过,忽略 if (pindex->nTx != 0) return true; // This is a previously-processed block that was pruned //工作量不够,忽略 if (!fHasMoreOrSameWork) return true; // Don't process less-work chains //太远的区块,忽略 if (fTooFarAhead) return true; // Block height is too high // Protect against DoS attacks from low-work chains. // If our tip is behind, a peer could try to send us // low-work blocks on a fake chain that we would never // request; don't process these. if (pindex->nChainWork < nMinimumChainWork) return true; } if (fNewBlock) *fNewBlock = true; //检查区块,如果区块有问题,将区块的状态标记为无效(BLOCK_FAILED_VALID),并且加入到脏区块集合中 if (!CheckBlock(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus()) || !ContextualCheckBlock(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindex->pprev)) { if (state.IsInvalid() && !state.CorruptionPossible()) { pindex->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_VALID; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindex); } return error("%s: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state)); } // Header is valid/has work, merkle tree and segwit merkle tree are good...RELAY NOW // (but if it does not build on our best tip, let the SendMessages loop relay it) if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && chainActive.Tip() == pindex->pprev) GetMainSignals().NewPoWValidBlock(pindex, pblock);//区块头广播到网络中 // Write block to history file try { //将区块存储到磁盘上 CDiskBlockPos blockPos = SaveBlockToDisk(block, pindex->nHeight, chainparams, dbp); if (blockPos.IsNull()) { state.Error(strprintf("%s: Failed to find position to write new block to disk", __func__)); return false; } //标记区块的数据已经接收并且检查过了(区块的状态更新为BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos, chainparams.GetConsensus())) return error("AcceptBlock(): ReceivedBlockTransactions failed"); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error: ") + e.what()); } FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::NONE); CheckBlockIndex(chainparams.GetConsensus()); return true; }
bool CChainState::AcceptBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex** ppindex) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Check for duplicate //新区块的区块hash值 uint256 hash = block.GetHash(); //检索mapBlockIndex索引表,看区块的索引是否已经在表中 BlockMap::iterator miSelf = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); CBlockIndex *pindex = nullptr; if (hash != chainparams.GetConsensus().hashGenesisBlock) { //非创世区块 if (miSelf != mapBlockIndex.end()) { // Block header is already known. //索引表中已经有区块的索引信息了,返回 pindex = miSelf->second; if (ppindex) *ppindex = pindex; if (pindex->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) return state.Invalid( error("%s: block %s is marked invalid", __func__, hash.ToString()), 0, "duplicate"); return true; } //检查区块的工作量是否OK if (!CheckBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams.GetConsensus())) return error("%s: Consensus::CheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); // Get prev block index //从索引表中查找父区块的索引信息,如果没有父区块的索引,则出错返回 CBlockIndex *pindexPrev = nullptr; BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock); if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end()) return state.DoS(10, error("%s: prev block not found", __func__), 0, "prev-blk-not-found"); pindexPrev = (*mi).second; //父区块有问题,出错返回 if (pindexPrev->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk"); if (!ContextualCheckBlockHeader(block, state, chainparams, pindexPrev, GetAdjustedTime())) return error("%s: Consensus::ContextualCheckBlockHeader: %s, %s", __func__, hash.ToString(), FormatStateMessage(state)); // If the previous block index isn't valid, determine if it descends from any block which // has been found invalid (g_failed_blocks), then mark pindexPrev and any blocks // between them as failed. if (!pindexPrev->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS)) { for (const CBlockIndex *failedit : m_failed_blocks) { if (pindexPrev->GetAncestor(failedit->nHeight) == failedit) { assert(failedit->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_VALID); CBlockIndex *invalid_walk = pindexPrev; while (invalid_walk != failedit) { invalid_walk->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(invalid_walk); invalid_walk = invalid_walk->pprev; } return state.DoS(100, error("%s: prev block invalid", __func__), REJECT_INVALID, "bad-prevblk"); } } } } //为新区块创建索引,并添加到索引表中 if (pindex == nullptr) pindex = AddToBlockIndex(block); if (ppindex) *ppindex = pindex; CheckBlockIndex(chainparams.GetConsensus()); return true; }
CBlockIndex* CChainState::AddToBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); // Check for duplicate uint256 hash = block.GetHash(); BlockMap::iterator it = mapBlockIndex.find(hash); //索引表中已经有区块索引了,直接返回 if (it != mapBlockIndex.end()) return it->second; // Construct new block index object //为区块创建索引,并填充相关数据 CBlockIndex* pindexNew = new CBlockIndex(block); // We assign the sequence id to blocks only when the full data is available, // to avoid miners withholding blocks but broadcasting headers, to get a // competitive advantage. //区块的序号,初始为0,等收到区块完整的数据后在确定该区块真正的序列号,防止恶意矿工通过只广播区块头,而不发送完整区块获取特权 pindexNew->nSequenceId = 0; //将索引添加到索引表中 BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(std::make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first; //填充区块hash值 pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first); BlockMap::iterator miPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(block.hashPrevBlock); if (miPrev != mapBlockIndex.end()) { //父区块的指针 pindexNew->pprev = (*miPrev).second; //新区块的高度 pindexNew->nHeight = pindexNew->pprev->nHeight + 1; pindexNew->BuildSkip(); } pindexNew->nTimeMax = (pindexNew->pprev ? std::max(pindexNew->pprev->nTimeMax, pindexNew->nTime) : pindexNew->nTime); //填充新区块的累积工作量 pindexNew->nChainWork = (pindexNew->pprev ? pindexNew->pprev->nChainWork : 0) + GetBlockProof(*pindexNew); //将区块的状态升级到BLOCK_VALID_TREE pindexNew->RaiseValidity(BLOCK_VALID_TREE); //如果新区块的累积工作量比节点收到的最大累积工作量大,更新一下pindexBestHeader全局变量 if (pindexBestHeader == nullptr || pindexBestHeader->nChainWork < pindexNew->nChainWork) pindexBestHeader = pindexNew; setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindexNew); return pindexNew; }
(2) 将新区块写入磁盘
try { //将区块存储到磁盘上 CDiskBlockPos blockPos = SaveBlockToDisk(block, pindex->nHeight, chainparams, dbp); if (blockPos.IsNull()) { state.Error(strprintf("%s: Failed to find position to write new block to disk", __func__)); return false; } //标记区块的数据已经接收并且检查过了(区块的状态更新为BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) if (!ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, state, pindex, blockPos, chainparams.GetConsensus())) return error("AcceptBlock(): ReceivedBlockTransactions failed"); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { return AbortNode(state, std::string("System error: ") + e.what()); }
/** Mark a block as having its data received and checked (up to BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS). */ bool CChainState::ReceivedBlockTransactions(const CBlock &block, CValidationState& state, CBlockIndex *pindexNew, const CDiskBlockPos& pos, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams) { //填充区块信息(交易数量,磁盘文件序号等) pindexNew->nTx = block.vtx.size(); pindexNew->nChainTx = 0; pindexNew->nFile = pos.nFile; pindexNew->nDataPos = pos.nPos; pindexNew->nUndoPos = 0; //标记我们已经收到并校验了区块数据 pindexNew->nStatus |= BLOCK_HAVE_DATA; if (IsWitnessEnabled(pindexNew->pprev, consensusParams)) { pindexNew->nStatus |= BLOCK_OPT_WITNESS; } //区块状态升级为BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS pindexNew->RaiseValidity(BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS); setDirtyBlockIndex.insert(pindexNew); if (pindexNew->pprev == nullptr || pindexNew->pprev->nChainTx) { // If pindexNew is the genesis block or all parents are BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS. //如果是创世区块或者区块的父区块的状态为BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS,进入此分支(对于本地挖到的新区块,其父区块一定满足此条件,所以会进入该分支) std::deque<CBlockIndex*> queue; queue.push_back(pindexNew); // Recursively process any descendant blocks that now may be eligible to be connected. //这里递归处理mapBlockUnlinked。假设当前mapBlockUnlinked中存在B->C,B->D //此时收到了B区块的完整区块,pindexNew指向B区块。 //这里会从mapBlockUnlinked中递归删除B->C、B->D,并且将B,C,D加入候选集合setBlockIndexCandidates中 while (!queue.empty()) { CBlockIndex *pindex = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); pindex->nChainTx = (pindex->pprev ? pindex->pprev->nChainTx : 0) + pindex->nTx; { LOCK(cs_nBlockSequenceId); pindex->nSequenceId = nBlockSequenceId++; } //对比和区块链顶点区块的工作量,比顶点区块工作量大的区块,加入到候选区块集合中 if (chainActive.Tip() == nullptr || !setBlockIndexCandidates.value_comp()(pindex, chainActive.Tip())) { setBlockIndexCandidates.insert(pindex); } //从mapBlocksUnlinked中递归删除 std::pair<std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator, std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator> range = mapBlocksUnlinked.equal_range(pindex); while (range.first != range.second) { std::multimap<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndex*>::iterator it = range.first; queue.push_back(it->second); range.first++; mapBlocksUnlinked.erase(it); } } } else { //如果节点的父区块的只有区块头,还未收到完整区块,则加入mapBlocksUnlinked if (pindexNew->pprev && pindexNew->pprev->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) { mapBlocksUnlinked.insert(std::make_pair(pindexNew->pprev, pindexNew)); } } return true; }
(i) 如果收到了区块C的完整区块,但是它的父区块B只有区块头,则会在mapBlocksUnlinked表中添加一项B->C,表示新区块C已经有完整数据,但其父区块尚不完整;
(ii) 假设当前mapBlocksUnlinked表中包含B->C, B->D,也就是说收到了B,C,D的区块头,其中区块C和区块D都以区块B为父区块(区块链分叉,比如两个矿工在几乎同一时间挖出了C和D),然后节点收到了C和D的完整区块,此时mapBlocksUnlinked中就会存在B->C,B->D两项。一段时间后收到了B区块的完整区块,此时将B->C和B->D移除,并且将B、C、D加入到setBlockIndexCandiates中作为候选区块;
2.4.3 延长区块链
//将新区块加入到本地区块链,延长本地最长(具有最大工作量)的链 if (!g_chainstate.ActivateBestChain(state, chainparams, pblock)) return error("%s: ActivateBestChain failed (%s)", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
/** * Make the best chain active, in multiple steps. The result is either failure * or an activated best chain. pblock is either nullptr or a pointer to a block * that is already loaded (to avoid loading it again from disk). * * ActivateBestChain is split into steps (see ActivateBestChainStep) so that * we avoid holding cs_main for an extended period of time; the length of this * call may be quite long during reindexing or a substantial reorg. */ bool CChainState::ActivateBestChain(CValidationState &state, const CChainParams& chainparams, std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> pblock) { // Note that while we're often called here from ProcessNewBlock, this is // far from a guarantee. Things in the P2P/RPC will often end up calling // us in the middle of ProcessNewBlock - do not assume pblock is set // sanely for performance or correctness! AssertLockNotHeld(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pindexMostWork = nullptr; CBlockIndex *pindexNewTip = nullptr; int nStopAtHeight = gArgs.GetArg("-stopatheight", DEFAULT_STOPATHEIGHT); do { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) { // Block until the validation queue drains. This should largely // never happen in normal operation, however may happen during // reindex, causing memory blowup if we run too far ahead. SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); } const CBlockIndex *pindexFork; bool fInitialDownload; { LOCK(cs_main); ConnectTrace connectTrace(mempool); // Destructed before cs_main is unlocked //拿到当前区块链的顶点 CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip(); if (pindexMostWork == nullptr) { //查找工作量最大的分支的顶点区块 pindexMostWork = FindMostWorkChain(); } // Whether we have anything to do at all. //如果区块链当前的顶点已经是最大工作量,不用做任何事情,返回 if (pindexMostWork == nullptr || pindexMostWork == chainActive.Tip()) return true; bool fInvalidFound = false; std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> nullBlockPtr; //将找到的工作量最大的区块加入到区块链中 if (!ActivateBestChainStep(state, chainparams, pindexMostWork, pblock && pblock->GetHash() == pindexMostWork->GetBlockHash() ? pblock : nullBlockPtr, fInvalidFound, connectTrace)) return false; if (fInvalidFound) { // Wipe cache, we may need another branch now. pindexMostWork = nullptr; } pindexNewTip = chainActive.Tip(); pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexOldTip); fInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); for (const PerBlockConnectTrace& trace : connectTrace.GetBlocksConnected()) { assert(trace.pblock && trace.pindex); GetMainSignals().BlockConnected(trace.pblock, trace.pindex, trace.conflictedTxs); } //通知区块链更新 // Notify external listeners about the new tip. // Enqueue while holding cs_main to ensure that UpdatedBlockTip is called in the order in which blocks are connected GetMainSignals().UpdatedBlockTip(pindexNewTip, pindexFork, fInitialDownload); // Always notify the UI if a new block tip was connected if (pindexFork != pindexNewTip) { uiInterface.NotifyBlockTip(fInitialDownload, pindexNewTip); } } // When we reach this point, we switched to a new tip (stored in pindexNewTip). if (nStopAtHeight && pindexNewTip && pindexNewTip->nHeight >= nStopAtHeight) StartShutdown(); // We check shutdown only after giving ActivateBestChainStep a chance to run once so that we // never shutdown before connecting the genesis block during LoadChainTip(). Previously this // caused an assert() failure during shutdown in such cases as the UTXO DB flushing checks // that the best block hash is non-null. if (ShutdownRequested()) break; } while (pindexNewTip != pindexMostWork); CheckBlockIndex(chainparams.GetConsensus()); // Write changes periodically to disk, after relay. if (!FlushStateToDisk(chainparams, state, FlushStateMode::PERIODIC)) { return false; } return true; } 查找具有最大工作量的分支
A —— B
C ------- D
/** * Return the tip of the chain with the most work in it, that isn't * known to be invalid (it's however far from certain to be valid). */ CBlockIndex* CChainState::FindMostWorkChain() { do { CBlockIndex *pindexNew = nullptr; // Find the best candidate header. //从候选区块集合中找到工作量最大的候选区块 { std::set<CBlockIndex*, CBlockIndexWorkComparator>::reverse_iterator it = setBlockIndexCandidates.rbegin(); if (it == setBlockIndexCandidates.rend()) return nullptr; pindexNew = *it; } // Check whether all blocks on the path between the currently active chain and the candidate are valid. // Just going until the active chain is an optimization, as we know all blocks in it are valid already. CBlockIndex *pindexTest = pindexNew; bool fInvalidAncestor = false; //从选出的具有最大工作量的候选区块开始回朔,一直回朔到存在于区块链上的祖先区块为止。 //例如当前区块链顶点是A,然后候选区块按工作量依次是B,C,D,B是C的父区块,C是D的父区块, //则从D开始回朔,一直到区块A为止。setBlockIndexCandidates中包含<B, C, D> while (pindexTest && !chainActive.Contains(pindexTest)) { assert(pindexTest->nChainTx || pindexTest->nHeight == 0); // Pruned nodes may have entries in setBlockIndexCandidates for // which block files have been deleted. Remove those as candidates // for the most work chain if we come across them; we can't switch // to a chain unless we have all the non-active-chain parent blocks. //区块是否是一个坏区块 bool fFailedChain = pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK; //是否尚未收到完整区块 bool fMissingData = !(pindexTest->nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA); if (fFailedChain || fMissingData) { // Candidate chain is not usable (either invalid or missing data) if (fFailedChain && (pindexBestInvalid == nullptr || pindexNew->nChainWork > pindexBestInvalid->nChainWork)) pindexBestInvalid = pindexNew; //假设从A->D的路径上,当回朔到区块B时发现B的完整区块尚未收到,则向mapBlocksUnlinked中添加<B,C>,<C,D>, //同时将B、C和D从候选区块集合setBlockIndexCandidates中移除 CBlockIndex *pindexFailed = pindexNew; // Remove the entire chain from the set. while (pindexTest != pindexFailed) { if (fFailedChain) { pindexFailed->nStatus |= BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD; } else if (fMissingData) { // If we're missing data, then add back to mapBlocksUnlinked, // so that if the block arrives in the future we can try adding // to setBlockIndexCandidates again. mapBlocksUnlinked.insert(std::make_pair(pindexFailed->pprev, pindexFailed)); } setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindexFailed); pindexFailed = pindexFailed->pprev; } setBlockIndexCandidates.erase(pindexTest); fInvalidAncestor = true; //跳出本轮循环 break; } //向前回朔到父区块 pindexTest = pindexTest->pprev; } if (!fInvalidAncestor) return pindexNew; } while(true);
注意这个算法:首先是从候选区块集合中工作量最大的候选区块开始,选定一个区块B[n],然后沿着父区块向前回朔,一旦路径上出现未收到完整数据的区块(假设为B[m], m < n),则将B[m]到B[n]全部从候选区块集合中移除,同时在mapBlockUnlinked中添加B[m]->B[m+1],....,B[n-1]->B[n],这样的目的是当将来收到完整区块B[m]以后,可以重新将B[m]....B[n]加入到候选区块中。
(1) 从G3沿着父区块指针回朔,当回朔到G1的时候,发现G1的数据还没有到(nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA不成立),于是将G3、G2、G1从setBlockIndexCandidates中移除,并且在mapBlocksUnlinked中添加<G2,G3>,<G1,G2>;
(2) 然后选定工作量次小的候选区块F2进行同样的操作,这一次由于从F2->A的路径上所有的区块都正常并且都有数据,于是FindMostWorkChain返回区块F2,从而F2->F1->A就是本次找到的最大工作量的分叉;
(3) 切换主链,具有最大工作量的F2->F1->A成为新的主链,F2为新的区块链的顶点,将候选区块集合中的F1,F2以及工作量跟小的E移除;
(4) 一段时间后,区块G1的数据到达了,于是递归移除mapBlocksUnlinked中的<G1,G2>,<G2,G3>项,同时将G1,G2,G3添加到候选区块集合中;
(5) 这一次由于G3的工作量最大,切换到G3->A为新的主链,将原来主链上的F2,F1从区块链上断开(DisconnectBlock) 激活最长链
(1) 区块链当前已经具有最大工作量(区块链的顶点已经是最大工作量的区块了),什么都不需要做:
//如果区块链当前的顶点已经是最大工作量,不用做任何事情,返回 if (pindexMostWork == nullptr || pindexMostWork == chainActive.Tip()) return true;
(2) 其他的情况下,调用ActivateBestChainStep来处理:
//将区块加入到区块链中 if (!ActivateBestChainStep(state, chainparams, pindexMostWork, pblock && pblock->GetHash() == pindexMostWork->GetBlockHash() ? pblock : nullBlockPtr, fInvalidFound, connectTrace)) return false;
/** * Try to make some progress towards making pindexMostWork the active block. * pblock is either nullptr or a pointer to a CBlock corresponding to pindexMostWork. */ bool CChainState::ActivateBestChainStep(CValidationState& state, const CChainParams& chainparams, CBlockIndex* pindexMostWork, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock, bool& fInvalidFound, ConnectTrace& connectTrace) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); //当前区块链的顶点 const CBlockIndex *pindexOldTip = chainActive.Tip(); //如果区块链有分叉,找到分叉点 const CBlockIndex *pindexFork = chainActive.FindFork(pindexMostWork); // Disconnect active blocks which are no longer in the best chain. //从分叉点到当前区块链顶点之间的区块从主链上全部断开 bool fBlocksDisconnected = false; DisconnectedBlockTransactions disconnectpool; while (chainActive.Tip() && chainActive.Tip() != pindexFork) { if (!DisconnectTip(state, chainparams, &disconnectpool)) { // This is likely a fatal error, but keep the mempool consistent, // just in case. Only remove from the mempool in this case. //断开区块过程中发生错误,需要更新交易池 UpdateMempoolForReorg(disconnectpool, false); return false; } fBlocksDisconnected = true; } // Build list of new blocks to connect. std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vpindexToConnect; bool fContinue = true; int nHeight = pindexFork ? pindexFork->nHeight : -1; while (fContinue && nHeight != pindexMostWork->nHeight) { // Don't iterate the entire list of potential improvements toward the best tip, as we likely only need // a few blocks along the way. //计算出需要添加到区块链上的区块 int nTargetHeight = std::min(nHeight + 32, pindexMostWork->nHeight); vpindexToConnect.clear(); vpindexToConnect.reserve(nTargetHeight - nHeight); CBlockIndex *pindexIter = pindexMostWork->GetAncestor(nTargetHeight); while (pindexIter && pindexIter->nHeight != nHeight) { vpindexToConnect.push_back(pindexIter); pindexIter = pindexIter->pprev; } nHeight = nTargetHeight; // Connect new blocks. //将新区块连接到区块链上 for (CBlockIndex *pindexConnect : reverse_iterate(vpindexToConnect)) { if (!ConnectTip(state, chainparams, pindexConnect, pindexConnect == pindexMostWork ? pblock : std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>(), connectTrace, disconnectpool)) { if (state.IsInvalid()) { // The block violates a consensus rule. if (!state.CorruptionPossible()) InvalidChainFound(vpindexToConnect.back()); state = CValidationState(); fInvalidFound = true; fContinue = false; break; } else { // A system error occurred (disk space, database error, ...). // Make the mempool consistent with the current tip, just in case // any observers try to use it before shutdown. //更新内存交易池 UpdateMempoolForReorg(disconnectpool, false); return false; } } else { //新区块成功添加到了区块链上,将候选区块集合中所有比新区块工作量少的区块移除 PruneBlockIndexCandidates(); if (!pindexOldTip || chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork > pindexOldTip->nChainWork) { // We're in a better position than we were. Return temporarily to release the lock. fContinue = false; break; } } } } //如果有断开的区块,需要更新一下内存交易池 if (fBlocksDisconnected) { // If any blocks were disconnected, disconnectpool may be non empty. Add // any disconnected transactions back to the mempool. UpdateMempoolForReorg(disconnectpool, true); } mempool.check(pcoinsTip.get()); // Callbacks/notifications for a new best chain. if (fInvalidFound) CheckForkWarningConditionsOnNewFork(vpindexToConnect.back()); else CheckForkWarningConditions(); return true; }
(i) 区块链没有分叉,新区块直接延长当前区块链:
A --- B
(ii) 区块链存在分叉:
A —— B
C -------- D
const CBlockIndex *CChain::FindFork(const CBlockIndex *pindex) const { if (pindex == nullptr) { return nullptr; } //找到分支上和当前主链的顶点区块高度相同的区块P if (pindex->nHeight > Height()) pindex = pindex->GetAncestor(Height()); //从上一步找到的区块P开始向前回朔,直到找到一个存在于当前主链上的区块为止 while (pindex && !Contains(pindex)) pindex = pindex->pprev; return pindex; }
A — B — F
C -- D ------ E
A-B-F是当前主链,A的高度为100,B为101,F为102,分叉C,D,E高度,依次是101,102,103,则首先定位到E的祖先D(因为D和主链的顶点区块F具有相同高度),然后从D开始沿着父区块指针回朔一直到A,于是找到了区块链的分叉点区块A。 节点间的交互
(1) 广播区块头
// Header is valid/has work, merkle tree and segwit merkle tree are good...RELAY NOW // (but if it does not build on our best tip, let the SendMessages loop relay it) if (!IsInitialBlockDownload() && chainActive.Tip() == pindex->pprev) GetMainSignals().NewPoWValidBlock(pindex, pblock);
void PeerLogicValidation::NewPoWValidBlock(const CBlockIndex *pindex, const std::shared_ptr<const CBlock>& pblock) { //将区块头、区块交易id打包到CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs中 std::shared_ptr<const CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs> pcmpctblock = std::make_shared<const CBlockHeaderAndShortTxIDs> (*pblock, true); const CNetMsgMaker msgMaker(PROTOCOL_VERSION); LOCK(cs_main); //更新相关数据 static int nHighestFastAnnounce = 0; if (pindex->nHeight <= nHighestFastAnnounce) return; nHighestFastAnnounce = pindex->nHeight; bool fWitnessEnabled = IsWitnessEnabled(pindex->pprev, Params().GetConsensus()); uint256 hashBlock(pblock->GetHash()); { LOCK(cs_most_recent_block); most_recent_block_hash = hashBlock; most_recent_block = pblock; most_recent_compact_block = pcmpctblock; fWitnessesPresentInMostRecentCompactBlock = fWitnessEnabled; } //对所有相邻的节点发送CMPCTBLOCK消息,将区块头广播出去 connman->ForEachNode([this, &pcmpctblock, pindex, &msgMaker, fWitnessEnabled, &hashBlock](CNode* pnode) { // TODO: Avoid the repeated-serialization here if (pnode->nVersion < INVALID_CB_NO_BAN_VERSION || pnode->fDisconnect) return; ProcessBlockAvailability(pnode->GetId()); CNodeState &state = *State(pnode->GetId()); // If the peer has, or we announced to them the previous block already, // but we don't think they have this one, go ahead and announce it if (state.fPreferHeaderAndIDs && (!fWitnessEnabled || state.fWantsCmpctWitness) && !PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex) && PeerHasHeader(&state, pindex->pprev)) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "%s sending header-and-ids %s to peer=%d\n", "PeerLogicValidation::NewPoWValidBlock", hashBlock.ToString(), pnode->GetId()); connman->PushMessage(pnode, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::CMPCTBLOCK, *pcmpctblock)); state.pindexBestHeaderSent = pindex; } }); }
(2) 节点接收广播
else if (strCommand == NetMsgType::BLOCKTXN && !fImporting && !fReindex) // Ignore blocks received while importing { BlockTransactions resp; vRecv >> resp; std::shared_ptr<CBlock> pblock = std::make_shared<CBlock>(); bool fBlockRead = false; { LOCK(cs_main); //从队列中找到消息中指定的区块对应的QueuedBlock,没有找到则返回 std::map<uint256, std::pair<NodeId, std::list<QueuedBlock>::iterator> >::iterator it = mapBlocksInFlight.find(resp.blockhash); if (it == mapBlocksInFlight.end() || !it->second.second->partialBlock || it->second.first != pfrom->GetId()) { LogPrint(BCLog::NET, "Peer %d sent us block transactions for block we weren't expecting\n", pfrom->GetId()); return true; } //填充交易信息 PartiallyDownloadedBlock& partialBlock = *it->second.second->partialBlock; ReadStatus status = partialBlock.FillBlock(*pblock, resp.txn); if (status == READ_STATUS_INVALID) { MarkBlockAsReceived(resp.blockhash); // Reset in-flight state in case of whitelist Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100, strprintf("Peer %d sent us invalid compact block/non-matching block transactions\n", pfrom->GetId())); return true; } else if (status == READ_STATUS_FAILED) { // Might have collided, fall back to getdata now :( std::vector<CInv> invs; invs.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK | GetFetchFlags(pfrom), resp.blockhash)); connman->PushMessage(pfrom, msgMaker.Make(NetMsgType::GETDATA, invs)); } else { // Block is either okay, or possibly we received // READ_STATUS_CHECKBLOCK_FAILED. // Note that CheckBlock can only fail for one of a few reasons: // 1. bad-proof-of-work (impossible here, because we've already // accepted the header) // 2. merkleroot doesn't match the transactions given (already // caught in FillBlock with READ_STATUS_FAILED, so // impossible here) // 3. the block is otherwise invalid (eg invalid coinbase, // block is too big, too many legacy sigops, etc). // So if CheckBlock failed, #3 is the only possibility. // Under BIP 152, we don't DoS-ban unless proof of work is // invalid (we don't require all the stateless checks to have // been run). This is handled below, so just treat this as // though the block was successfully read, and rely on the // handling in ProcessNewBlock to ensure the block index is // updated, reject messages go out, etc. //一切正常,标记区块的交易已经收到,将区块对应的QueuedBlock从队列中移除掉 MarkBlockAsReceived(resp.blockhash); // it is now an empty pointer fBlockRead = true; // mapBlockSource is only used for sending reject messages and DoS scores, // so the race between here and cs_main in ProcessNewBlock is fine. // BIP 152 permits peers to relay compact blocks after validating // the header only; we should not punish peers if the block turns // out to be invalid. mapBlockSource.emplace(resp.blockhash, std::make_pair(pfrom->GetId(), false)); } } // Don't hold cs_main when we call into ProcessNewBlock //如果正确的将收到的交易填充到区块中,调用ProcessNewBlock处理之 if (fBlockRead) { bool fNewBlock = false; // Since we requested this block (it was in mapBlocksInFlight), force it to be processed, // even if it would not be a candidate for new tip (missing previous block, chain not long enough, etc) // This bypasses some anti-DoS logic in AcceptBlock (eg to prevent // disk-space attacks), but this should be safe due to the // protections in the compact block handler -- see related comment // in compact block optimistic reconstruction handling. //处理新区块 ProcessNewBlock(chainparams, pblock, /*fForceProcessing=*/true, &fNewBlock); if (fNewBlock) { pfrom->nLastBlockTime = GetTime(); } else { LOCK(cs_main); mapBlockSource.erase(pblock->GetHash()); } } }
2.5 PoW共识过程总结
将区块D加入到候选区块集合,此时候选区块集合{ C, D } (AcceptBlock);
比特币源码 挖矿
(1) 节点基于当前的区块链构造出候选区块,矿工挖出候选区块的奖励费=区块包含的交易的交易费 + 系统的比特币奖励,其中系统的比特币奖励初始为50个比特币,然后每产出210000个区块(约4年)就减半;
(2) 节点通过不断递增新区块头部的nonce值计算区块头部的hash,直到hash满足新区块的难度目标值为止;
(3) 节点用新区块延长本地区块链,同时将新区块广播出去;
(4) 收到新区块的节点校验区块,并将区块加到自己的区块链上;
(5) 分析了区块链分叉以及当存在分叉时节点如何切换到最长链的;
下一章:Keccak 算法
1. 什么是KeccakKeccak是一种被选定为SHA-3标准的单向散列函数算法。Keccak可以生成任意长度的散列值,但为了配合SHA-2的散列值长度,SHA-3标准中规定了SHA3-224、SHA3-256、SHA ...