Verilog ACC 子程序列表


ACC 子程序主要分为 5 大类:句柄(handle)、后继(next)、值变链接(VCL)、取值(fetch)、杂项(miscellaneous)、修改(modify)。

1. 句柄子程序

handle◆acc_handle_by_name(char *name, handle scope)
 Get the handle to any named object based on its name and scope
 Get a handle to the module containing the instance of the user-defined system task or function that called the PLI application.
handle◆acc_handle_condition(handle object)
 Get a handle to the conditional expression of a module path, data path, or timing check terminal
handle◆acc_handle_conn(handle terminal)
 Get the handle to the net connected to a primitive terminal, path terminal, or timing check terminal.
handle◆acc_handle_datapath(handle modpath)
 Get a handle to a data path for an edge-sensitive module path.
handle◆acc_handle_hiconn(handle port)
 Get the hierarchically higher net connection to a scalar module port or a bit-select of a vector port.
 Get a handle to the current interactive scope of the software tool.
handle◆acc_handle_loconn(handle port)
 Gets the hierarchically lower net connection to a scalar module port or a bit-select of a vector port.
handle◆acc_handle_modpath(handle module, char *source, char *dest, handle source, handle dest)
 Gets a handle to a module path whose source are specified.
handle◆acc_handle_notifier(handle tchk)
 Get the notifier reg associated with a particular timing check.
handle◆acc_handle_object(char *name)
 Get a handle for any named object.
handle◆acc_handle_parent(handle object)
 Get a handle for the parent primitive instance or module instance of an object.
handle◆acc_handle_path(handle output, handle input)
 Get a handle to an intermodule path that represents the connection from an output or inout port to an input or inout port.
handle◆acc_handle_pathin(handle path)
 Get a handle for the first net connected to a module path source.
handle◆acc_handle_pathout(handle path)
 Get a handle for the first net connected to a module path destination.
handle◆acc_handle_port(handle module, int port_index)
 Get a handle for a module port, based on the position of the port.
handle◆acc_handle_scope(handle object)
 Get a handle to the scope that contains an object.
handle◆acc_handle_simulated_net(handle collapsed_net_handle)
 Get the simulated net associated with the collapsed net passed as an argument.
handle◆acc_handle_tchk(handle module, int tchk_type, char *conn_name1, int edge_type1, char *conn_name2, int edge_type2, handle conn_name1_handle, handle conn_name2_handle)
 Get a handle for the specified timing check of a module (or cell).
handle◆acc_handle_tchkarg1(handle tchk)
 Get a handle for the timing check terminal connected to the first argument of a timing check.
handle◆acc_handle_tchkarg2(handle tchk)
 Get a handle for the timing check terminal connected to the second argument of a timing check.
handle◆acc_handle_terminal(handle primitive, int terminal_index)
 Get a handle for a primitive terminal based on the position of the primitive terminal.
handle◆acc_handle_tfarg(int arg_num)◆acc_handle_itfarg(int arg_num, handle instance)
 Get a handle for the specified argument of a user-defined system task or function that invokes the PLI routine.
 Get a handle to the current user-defined system task or function call.

2. 后继子程序

handle◆acc_next(int object_type_array, handle reference, handle object)
 Get handles to objects of each type specified in an array within the reference scope.
handle◆acc_next_bit(handle reference, handle current_bit)
 Get handles to bits in a port or expanded vector.
handle◆acc_next_cell(handle reference, hand current_cell)
 Get handles to cell instances within a region that includes the entire hierarchy below a module.
handle◆acc_next_cell_load(handle reference, hand current_cell_load)
 Get handles for cell loads on a net.
handle◆acc_next_child(handle reference, handle current_child)
 Get handles for children of a module.
handle◆acc_next_driver(handle reference, handle current_driver)
 Get handles to primitive terminals that drive a net.
handle◆acc_next_hiconn(handle referenct, handle current_net)
 Get handles for hierarchically higher net connections to a module port.
handle◆acc_next_input (handle reference, handle current_terminal)
 Get handles to input path terminals of a module path, source terminals of a data path, or the terminals of a timing check.
handle◆acc_next_load(handle reference, handle current_load)
 Get handles to primitive terminals driven by a net.
handle◆acc_next_loconn(handle reference, handle current_net)
 Get handles to hierarchically lower net connections to a port of a module.
handle◆acc_next_modpath(handle reference, handle path)
 Get handles to module paths of a module.
handle◆acc_next_net(handle reference, handle curretn_net)
 Get handles to nets in a module.
handle◆acc_next_output(handle reference, handle current_terminal)
 Get handles to output path terminals of a module path or data path.
handle◆acc_next_parameter(handle reference, handle current_parameter)
 Get handles to parameters within a module.
handle◆acc_next_port(handle reference, handle current_port)
 Gets handles to the ports of a module, or to ports which are connected to a given net or reg.
handle◆acc_next_portout(handle reference, handle current_port)
 Get handles to output or inout ports of a module.
handle◆acc_next_primitive(handle reference, handle current_primitive)
 Get handles to gates, switches, or user-defined primitives (UDPs) within a module.
handle◆acc_next_scope(handle reference, handle current_scope)
 Get handles to hierarchy scopes within a scope.
handle◆acc_next_specparam(handle reference, handle current_specparam)
 Get handles to specify block parameters within a module.
handle◆acc_next_tchk(handle reference, handle timing_check)
 Get handles to timing checks within a module.
handle◆acc_next_terminal(handle reference, handle terminal)
 Get handles to terminals of a gate, switch, or user-defined primitive.
handle◆acc_next_topmod(handle top_module)
 Get handles to top-level modules.

3. 值变链接子程序

void◆acc_vcl_add(handle object, C_function unquoted name, char *user_data, int vcl_flag)
 Set a callback to a consumer routine with value change information whenever an object changes value.consumer_routine() is the unquoted name of a C function to be called.
void◆acc_vcl_delete(handle object, C_function consumer_routine() , char *user_data, int vcl_flag)
 Removes a VCL callback monitor.consumer_routine() is the unquoted name of a C function to be called.

4. 取值子程序

 Get the number of command-line arguments supplied with a Verilog software tool invocation.
char *◆acc_fetch_argv()
 Get an array of character pointers that make up the command-line arguments for a Verilog software product invocation.
double◆acc_fetch_attribute(handle object, char *attribute, double default)
 Get the value of a parameter or specparam named as an attribute in the Verilog source description.
int◆acc_fetch_attribute_int(handle object, char *attribute, int default)
 Get the integer value of a parameter or specparam named as an attribute in the Verilog source description.
char *◆acc_fetch_attribute_str(handle object, char *attribute, char *default)
 Get the value of a parameter or specparam named as an attribute in the Verilog source description.
char *◆acc_fetch_defname(handle object)
 Get the definition name of a module instance or primitive instance.
int◆acc_fetch_delay_mode(handle module)
 Get the delay mode of a module instance.
int◆acc_fetch_delays(handle object, double *rise_delay, double *fall_delay, double *trunoff_delay)◆acc_fetch_delays(handle object, double *rise_delay, double *d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12)
 Get existing delays for primitives, module paths, timing checks, module input ports, and intermodule paths.
int◆acc_fetch_direction(handle object)
 Get the direction of a port or terminal
int◆acc_fetch_edge(handle pathio)
 Get the edge specifier of a module path or timing check terminal.
char *◆acc_fetch_fullname(handle object)
 Get the full hierarchical name of any named object or module path.
int◆acc_fetch_fulltype(handle object)
 Get the fulltype of an object.
int◆acc_fetch_index(handle object)
 Get the index number for a port or terminal.
int◆acc_fetch_location(p_location loc_p, handle object)
 Get the location of an object in a Verilog-HDL source file.p_location is a data structure, defined in acc_user.h.
char *◆acc_fetch_name(handle object)
 Get the instance name of any named object or module path.
int◆acc_fetch_paramtype(handle parameter)
 Get the data type of a parameter or specparam.
double◆acc_fetch_paramval(handle parameter)
 Get the value of a parameter or specparam.
int◆acc_fetch_polarity(handle path)
 Get the polarity of a path.
 Get the smallest time precision argument specified in all `timescale compiler directives in a given design.
int◆acc_fetch_pulsere(handle object, double *r1, double *e1, double *r2, double *e2, ......, double *r12, double *e12)
 Get current pulse handling reject_limit and e_limit for a module path, intermodule path or module input port.
int◆acc_fetch_range(handle vector, int *msb, int *lsb)
 Get the most significant bit and least significant bit range values for a vector.
int◆acc_fetch_size(handle object)
 Get the bit size of a net, reg, integer, time, real or port.
double◆acc_fetch_tfarg(int arg_number)◆acc_fetch_itfarg(int arg_number, handle tfinst)
 Get the value of the specified argument of the system task or function associated with the PLI application; the value is returned as a double-precision number
int◆acc_fetch_tfarg_int(int arg_number)◆acc_fetch_itfarg_int(int arg_number, handle tfinst)
 Get the value of the specified argument of the system task or function associated with the PLI application; the value is returned as an integer number.
char *◆acc_fetch_tfarg_str(int arg_number)◆acc_fetch_itfarg_str(int arg_number, handle tfinst)
 Get the value of the specified argument of the system task or function associated with the PLI application; the value is returned as a pointer to a character string.
void◆acc_fetch_timescale_info(handle object, p_timescale_info timescale_p)
 Get timescale information for an object or for an active $timeformat system task invocation.p_timescale_info is a data structure, defined in acc_user.h.
int◆acc_fetch_type(handle object)
 Get the type of an object.
char *◆acc_fetch_type_str(int type)
 Get a string that indicates the type of its argument.
char *◆acc_fetch_value(handle object, char *format, s_acc_value *value)
 Get the logic or strength value of a net, reg, or variables_acc_value is a data structure, defined in acc_user.h.

5. 杂项子程序

 Free internal memory used by ACC routines; reset all configuration parameters to default values.
handle *◆acc_collect(handle *next_routine, handle object, int num_of_objects)
 Obtain an array of handles for all objects related to a particular reference object; get the number of objects collected.
int◆acc_compare_handles(handle object1, handle object2)
 Determine if two handles refer to the same object.
int◆acc_configure(int config_param, char *config_value)
 Set parameters that control the operation of various ACC routines.
int◆acc_count(handle *next_routine, handle object)
 Count the number of objects related to a particular reference object.
 Initializes the environment for ACC routines.
int◆acc_object_in_typelist(handle object, int object_type_array[])
 Determine whether an object fits a type or fulltype, or special property, as specified in an input array.
int◆acc_object_of_type(handle object, int object_type)
 Determine whether an object fits a specified type or fulltype, or special property.
 Get the software product type that is calling the PLI application.
char *◆acc_product_version()
 Get the version of the software product that is linked to the ACC routines.
int◆acc_release_object(handle object)
 Deallocate memory allocated by calls to acc_next_input() and acc_next_output().
 Reset the string buffer to the beginning.
handle◆acc_set_interactive_scope(handle scope, int callback_flag)
 Set the interactive scope of a software tool.
char*◆acc_set_scope(handle module, char *module_name)
 Set a scope for acc_handle_object() to use when searching in the design hierarchy.
char *◆acc_version()
 Get a pointer to a character string that indicates version number of the ACC routine software.

6. 修改子程序

int◆acc_append_delays(handle object, double *rise_delay, double *fall_delay, double *trunoff_delay)◆acc_append_delays(handle object, double *d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12)◆acc_append_delays(handle object, double limit)
 Add delays to existing delay on primitives, module paths, intermodule paths, timing checks, and module input ports.
int◆acc_append_pulsere(handle object, double *r1, double *e1, double *r2, double *e2, ......, double *r12, double *e12)
 Add delays to existing pulse handling reject_limit and e_limit for a module path, intermodule path or module input port.
int◆acc_release_object(handle object)
 Deallocate memory allocated by calls to acc_next_input() and acc_next_output().
int◆acc_replace_delays(handle object, double *rise_delay, double *fall_delay, double *trunoff_delay)◆acc_replace_delays(handle object, double *d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12)◆acc_replace_delays(handle object, double limit)
 Replace existing delays for primitives, module paths, timing checks, module input ports, and inter-module paths.
int◆acc_replace_pulsere(handle object, double *r1, double *e1, double *r2, double *e2, ......, double *r12, double *e12)
 Replace existing pulse handling reject_limit and e_limit for a module path, intermodule path or module input port.
int◆acc_set_pulsere(handle path, double reject_percentage, double e_percentage)
 Set the pulse handling values for a module path, intermodule path or module input port as a percentage of the delay.
int◆acc_set_value(handle object, p_setval_value value_p, p_setval_delay delay_p)
 Set and propagate a value on a reg, variable, user-defined system function or a sequential UDP; procedurally assign a reg or variable; force a reg, variable, or net.p_setval_value and p_setval_delay are data structure, defined in acc_user.h.

7. 结构体

下面对 ACC 子程序设计的一些结构体进行说明。

acc_fetch_locationtypedef struct t_location{PLI_INT32 line_no;PLI_BYTE8 *filename;} s_location, *p_location;
p_timescale_infotypedef struct t_timescale_info{PLI_INT16 unit;PLI_INT16 precision;} s_timescale_info, *p_timescale_info;
acc_fetch_valueacc_set_valuetypedef struct t_setval_value{PLI_INT32 format;union{PLI_BYTE8    *str;PLI_INT32      scalar;PLI_INT32      integer;double        real;p_acc_vecval vector;} value;} s_setval_value, *p_setval_value, s_acc_value, *p_acc_value;
acc_set_valuetypedef struct t_setval_delay{s_acc_time time;PLI_INT32  model;} s_setval_delay, *p_setval_delay;

下一章:Verilog 逻辑综合

本教程经常有提及综合这个词语。或者说有些逻辑不能综合成实际电路,或者说有些逻辑设计综合后的电路会有一些安全隐患。本章就简单介绍下逻辑综合的相关知识,仅从理论层次和普遍认知的角度来阐述。待那个懵懂求知少年变成中年秃顶 ...