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实例(Python 2.0+):
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- if __name__ == '__main__': import time import random play_it = raw_input('do you want to play it.(\'y\' or \'n\')') while play_it == 'y': c = raw_input('input a character:\n') i = random.randint(0,2**32) % 100 print 'please input number you guess:\n' start = time.clock() a = time.time() guess = int(raw_input('input your guess:\n')) while guess != i: if guess > i: print 'please input a little smaller' guess = int(raw_input('input your guess:\n')) else: print 'please input a little bigger' guess = int(raw_input('input your guess:\n')) end = time.clock() b = time.time() var = (end - start) / 18.2 print var # print 'It took you %6.3 seconds' % time.difftime(b,a)) if var < 15: print 'you are very clever!' elif var < 25: print 'you are normal!' else: print 'you are stupid!' print 'Congradulations' print 'The number you guess is %d' % i play_it = raw_input('do you want to play it.')
do you want to play it.('y' or 'n')y input a character: 5 please input number you guess: input your guess: 60 …… please input a little bigger input your guess: 29 please input a little smaller input your guess: 28 3.81868131868e-05 you are very clever! Congradulations The number you guess is 28 do you want to play it.
Python 练习实例95 Python 100例 题目:字符串日期转换为易读的日期格式。 程序分析:无。 程序源代码: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from dateutil import parser dt = parser.parse('Aug 28 2015 12:00AM') print dt 以上实例输出结果为: 2015-08-28..