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# Filename : # Date : 2020-08-22 import copy class Prototype: _type = None _value = None def clone(self): pass def getType(self): return self._type def getValue(self): return self._value class Type1(Prototype): def __init__(self, number): self._type = "Type1" self._value = number def clone(self): return copy.copy(self) class Type2(Prototype): """ Concrete prototype. """ def __init__(self, number): self._type = "Type2" self._value = number def clone(self): return copy.copy(self) class ObjectFactory: """ Manages prototypes. Static factory, that encapsulates prototype initialization and then allows instatiation of the classes from these prototypes. """ __type1Value1 = None __type1Value2 = None __type2Value1 = None __type2Value2 = None @staticmethod def initialize(): ObjectFactory.__type1Value1 = Type1(1) ObjectFactory.__type1Value2 = Type1(2) ObjectFactory.__type2Value1 = Type2(1) ObjectFactory.__type2Value2 = Type2(2) @staticmethod def getType1Value1(): return ObjectFactory.__type1Value1.clone() @staticmethod def getType1Value2(): return ObjectFactory.__type1Value2.clone() @staticmethod def getType2Value1(): return ObjectFactory.__type2Value1.clone() @staticmethod def getType2Value2(): return ObjectFactory.__type2Value2.clone() def main(): ObjectFactory.initialize() instance = ObjectFactory.getType1Value1() print("%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())) instance = ObjectFactory.getType1Value2() print("%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())) instance = ObjectFactory.getType2Value1() print("%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())) instance = ObjectFactory.getType2Value2() print("%s: %s" % (instance.getType(), instance.getValue())) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Type1: 1 Type1: 2 Type2: 1 Type2: 2
外观模式模式为子系统中的一组接口提供了统一的接口。它定义了任何子系统都可以使用的高级接口。Facade类知道哪个子系统负责请求。 1. 如何设计外观模式?现在让我们看看如何设计外观模式。# Filename ...