Solidity 常见编译错误

1、报错:Expected token Semicolon got 'eth_compileSolidity' funtion setFunder(uint _u,uint _amount){


2、报错:Variable is declared as a storage pointer. Use an explicit "storage" keyword to silence this warning. Funder f = funders[_u]; ^------^

解决:Funder f,定义指针需要加关键字storage ;修改为Funder storage f = funders[_u];

3、报错:Invoking events without "emit" prefix is deprecated. e("newFunder",_add,_amount); ^-------------------------^

解决:调用事件需要在前面加上emit关键字,修改为emit e("newFunder",_add,_amount);

4、报错:No visibility specified. Defaulting to "public". function newFunder(address _add,uint _amount) returns (uint){ ^ (Relevant source part starts here and spans across multiple lines).

解决:定义函数必须加上public关键字,修改为function newFunder(address _add,uint _amount) public returns (uint){

5、报错:"msg.gas" has been deprecated in favor of "gasleft()" uint public _gas = msg.gas; ^-----^

解决:msg.gas已经被gasleft()替换了。修改为uint public _gas = gasleft();

6、报错:"throw" is deprecated in favour of "revert()", "require()" and "assert()". throw ;


throw 写法:

if(msg.sender !=chairperson ||voters[_voter].voted ){

throw ;



require(msg.sender !=chairperson ||voters[_voter].voted);

7、报错:This declaration shadows an existing declaration. Voter delegate = voters[to]; ^------------^


8、报错:error: Function state mutability can be restricted to pure

解决:以前版本是可以不指定类型internal pure(外部不可调用),public pure(外部可调用)(如不指定表示函数为可变行,需要限制)

9、报错:"sha3" has been deprecated in favour of "keccak256"


下一章:Solidity 调用合约

Solidity 支持一个合约调用另一个合约。两个合约既可以位于同一sol文件,也可以位于不同的两个sol文件。Solidity 还能调用已经上链的其它合约。调用内部合约内部合约是指位于同一sol文件中的合约,它 ...