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欢迎来到 AI 中文社区(简称 AI 中文社),这里是学习交流 AI 人工智能技术的中文社区。 为了更好的体验,本站推荐使用 Chrome 浏览器。
Move 的基本数据类型包括: 整型 (u8, u64, u128)、布尔型 boolean 和地址 address。
Move 不支持字符串和浮点数。
整型包括 u8
和 u128
script { fun main() { // define empty variable, set value later let a: u8; a = 10; // define variable, set type let a: u64 = 10; // finally simple assignment let a = 10; // simple assignment with defined value type let a = 10u128; // in function calls or expressions you can use ints as constant values if (a < 10) {}; // or like this, with type if (a < 10u8) {}; // usually you don't need to specify type } }
script { fun main() { let a: u8 = 10; let b: u64 = 100; // we can only compare same size integers if (a == (b as u8)) abort 11; if ((a as u64) == b) abort 11; } }
script { fun main() { // these are all the ways to do it let b : bool; b = true; let b : bool = true; let b = true let b = false; // here's an example with false } }
script { fun main() { let addr: address; // type identifier // in this book I'll use {{sender}} notation; // always replace `{{sender}}` in examples with VM specific address!!! addr = {{sender}}; // in Diem's Move VM and Starcoin - 16-byte address in HEX addr = 0x...; // in dfinance's DVM - bech32 encoded address with `wallet1` prefix addr = wallet1....; } }
需要对某些代码进行额外说明时,我们使用注释。注释是不参与执行的、旨在对相关代码进行描述和解释的文本块或文本行。单行注释script { fun main() { // this is a comment li ...